
Please contact us you have got any questions. We really appreciate any suggestions or fix patches to improve GridX.

You may also get help via the dojo mailing list - http://dojotoolkit.org/community/

Please provid suggestions or report issues on GridX GitHub Issues - https://github.com/oria/gridx/issues

Get involved - We need your help to improve GridX!

Contribution to GridX is easy - fill up the Dojo Foundation CLA, fork us from GridX GitHub and submit your pull request, that's it!


GridX is under the same open-source license and CLA as the Dojo Toolkit

Dojo Open source BSD/AFLv2 license - http://dojotoolkit.org/license

Dojo Foundation CLA - http://dojofoundation.org/about/cla

Current Maintainers

Chen Zhuang Hong (Daniel) - IBM, CCLA
Yi Fan Ruan (Yifan) - IBM, CCLA
Jing Sun (Sheila) - IBM, CCLA

Key Authors

Xiao Wen Zhu (Oliver) - IBM, CCLA
Pei Wang (Nate) - IBM, CCLA
Wei Huang (Evan) - Dojo Committer